
Monday, March 25, 2013

Corriedale ewe lamb

Really nice Corriedale twin lamb.  Her mom is a high producing 7 year old Corriedale ewe.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The nest is found!

I found Miss Chicken's nest hidden in the straw bales up in the haymow of the barn.  We left one old marked egg so she would continue with this nest.  Sure enough, we now have a fresh egg just about every day.

Monday, March 18, 2013


These two week old cross-bred lambs....very cute and vigorous!  Their Corriedale mom is taking very good care of them!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The sheep help with the frost seeding!

These ewes and lamb's hooves make a good natural tool to help drive the seeds into the soil to facilitate a successful new growth of legumes and grasses.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Frost Seeding

We frost seeded late maturing Orchard Grass, Annual Rye Grass, Medium Red Clover, and Ladino Clover onto our established pasture on February 22 here in central Illinois.  As you can see we had a layer of fresh snow and another 2-3 inch snowfall a couple days after seeding.  Hopefully the bed of snow will aid in the establishment of these frost seeded grasses and legumes and improve the pasture in 2013.